Does Google Penalize AI Content

Discover how to make your AI content feel more human with our '7 Steps for Humanizing AI Content like a Pro' guide. Learn how to connect better with your audience by adding personality and understanding what they want. This guide will help you create content that feels more personal and engaging.

It is something that did not exist four to five years ago. But now, everybody’s searching for it. This leads to a question: What is AI content?

AI content is not created by a human writer. Instead, it is finished by a robot. This is the simplest of the definitions we can make. Actually, AI content is generated programmatically. AI content appears to be the same as what a normal writer would write.

While ai content seems pretty genuine, let’s understand how it works and whether search engines accept content other than humans.


How does AI content work?

Large language models are trained on huge datasets, which makes that algorithm provide content whenever a user gives it a prompt. While AI content is a real form of content, there are striking differences between content written by a human writer and an AI system or tool!


How to detect AI content?

Detecting AI content is extremely easy as well as the most difficult thing! What does it mean?

  • If you have the right skills, you can detect AI content just by reading.
  • If you lack an understanding of what and how content is written, it is difficult for you to detect if the content is written by a human or an AI.

Let’s discuss some of the main things which can help you detect AI content. But for this one, we first need to have AI content.

So, I opened ChatGPT to generate a paragraph. I gave ChatGPT a prompt to generate a paragraph on “Digital Marketing.”

Here’s what it provided:

This is the text form of the response or content ChatGPT provided. The response is actually 83 words with 4 sentences!

Digital marketing encompasses various strategies and techniques aimed at promoting products or services through digital channels. It leverages platforms such as social media, search engines, email, and websites to reach target audiences and drive engagement. With its ability to measure and analyze data in real-time, digital marketing enables businesses to refine their campaigns for optimal performance. From content creation to SEO, PPC advertising, and social media management, it offers a versatile toolkit for businesses to connect with customers in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

If you are thinking that the content I generated through ChatGPT looks like a human read, hold tight. I am going to tell you the things that can help you find AI content just by reading it.

Here are the main things you need to find:


1. Readability

The readability of the ChatGPT content is pretty difficult. In its response, it used words like “encompasses, leverages, optimal, versatile toolkit, ever-evolving digital landscape.” These are some of the words that you can easily find in an AI generated content. It is because the AI did not understand the type of content you were writing, so it provided you with content that was appropriate for it.


2. Sentence structure

You can see that the sentence structure appears to be very artificial. The ChatGPT content does not specify for what purpose or audience it is providing content. Hence, it is trained on a large data model, and it structure a sentence as in a generic way (not specific for many)


3. Passive voice instead of active

If you can read the ChatGPT content again, you’ll find out the overall theme of the content is in passive voice. Active voice sentences are generally more meaningful and helpful for readers.

Since ChatGPT is trained on LLM, its core objective is to provide content that doesn’t contain plagiarism. Just to remove plagiarism, it spins content or changes it from active voice to passive voice. This is something the writers have been doing for a very long time.


4. Run on sentences

Another key element that you can note is that the sentences are almost identical in size and length. All sentences are longer, which is the core reason why the readability of the content is difficult. Along with passive voice, LLM models tend to write longer sentences so that they can avoid plagiarism. You can notice this just by reading!


5. Too many clauses

The human brain cannot focus on things that are presented in multiple clauses. Ever wonder why math lectures are always boring? It is because the teacher continues to teach and tell, making it boring for all of us. The algorithms behind ChatGPT add many clauses to make the content appear genuine. 

These are some of the common things that you can notice in AI content. While LLM does these things on purpose, they actually make content more robotic and easier to detect.

Overall, this discussion can help you detect AI content just by reading it. Let’s find some ways through which you can humanize AI content.


7 Steps for Humanizing AI content like a Pro

Humanizing AI content is crucial for every writer. That content connects with your target audience in the right way and conveys your thoughts accurately. Let's explore seven steps to humanize AI content like a pro.


1. Remove jargon

This is the first thing you need to do while humanizing AI content. Remove the jargon and remove it immediately. We noticed that ChatGPT used words like “encompasses, leverages, optimal, versatile toolkit, ever-evolving digital landscape” in its response. Remove these words and replace them with better alternatives. Here are easier alternatives for these words:


2. Write in active voice

Now that you’ve removed jargon from ChatGPT content, it is time for you to turn sentences into active voice. Obviously, all the sentences can’t be in active voice, but you need to have the majority of your sentences in active voice.

For example, this is the second sentence ChatGPT provided us:
From content creation to SEO, PPC advertising, and social media management, it offers a versatile toolkit for businesses to connect with customers in the ever-evolving digital landscape.
After modification, it could look like this:

Digital marketing is rapidly growing, and it is helping businesses connect with customers through different means such as SEO, PPC advertising, and social media management.


3. Make sentences shorter

The second and third steps are connected. You can do it together or differently. In the third step, you need to make sentences shorter or at least add some sort of variation. For that, I copied the third sentence ChatGPT provided:

With its ability to measure and analyze data in real-time, digital marketing enables businesses to refine their campaigns for optimal performance.

I break down this sentence into:

Digital marketers can measure and analyze data in real time. It helps businesses make their campaigns better to achieve high performance.

You can see that I broke that lengthy sentence of 21 words into 2 different parts. One can easily read both parts without losing attention.


4. Make readability better

This step includes both of the above steps, i.e. you need to use active voice and make sentences shorter. This is something human writers always do and AI tools such as ChatGPT will not do it for you.


5. Add emotions

While your efforts to add a personal touch produce emotions in AI content, it is because AI content doesn’t have a lot of reasoning, so it provides you with content that lacks emotions. You can read the above paragraph and see that the content is straight, just like a child presenting a lesson in school.


6. Write for audience

This is probably the most important aspect of AI content. While you are humanizing AI content, always ensure that you are writing it for your audience. You’ll see that the AI content will be heavily loaded with keywords and entities, making it difficult for readers and easier for search engine bots. This never works because humans tend to click away from your content, and search engines eventually drop your ranking or refuse to allow you to rank higher.


7. Use online tools for humanizing

If you do not have the time or skills to manually humanize AI content, consider using some online tools. It is obvious that these AI tools will not humanize AI content in the same way that a writer does, but they can still be extremely useful. Following are some AI tools that are very helpful:


1.  Claude ai

Claude is an AI assistant created by Anthropic that focuses on being helpful and creative. This AI tool generates content that seems more human written.

Claude has a free version, but for its innovative features, there is a plan:

  • Pro: $20 Per person/month
  • Team: $30 Per person/month *Minimum 5 members.

2.  Sentence rewriter

The AI sentence rewriter helps you change your AI content into human written content. This online tool suggests new words full of emotion and creativity. It uses a huge database to find creative ideas. The best things about this tool are:

  • This tool has different modes
  • Provide alternative words instead of repetitive ones
  • It is free to use

3. Reword Generator

This generator provides a fresh look to AI content while keeping the original meaning. This is great for avoiding plagiarism and using useful information from other sources. The rewording tool is amazing at generating humanizing content that is more helpful and informative for readers. It has several capabilities, including:

  • Paraphrase text and articles
  • Paraphrase up to 2000 words
  • Variety in modes
  • Free to use

4. AI humanizer

This is an incredible online tool that helps users humanize AI content quickly. The tool is trained on large data and uses NLP to understand the existing content before it starts humanizing it. I’ve personally used a lot of online tools and I’m really impressed with the way this tool works. It is obvious that the tool isn’t equivalent to a human writer but still it can help you humanize ai content quickly to meet deadlines.

  • The tool is ideal for students, writers and professionals
  • It uses NLP and ML
  • Keeps the context of the content intact while humanzing
  • Totally free to use


It is important to make human written content for your audience. You can gather tons of information using AI tools, but it is necessary for you to add a human touch to your content.

If you’re generating content for a website, make sure you properly edit and humanize it. Google recently penalized all websites that were creating AI content on scale to manipulate search rankings. Humanizing AI content can help you avoid manual actions and penalties by Google or other search engines.

It is a fact that AI cannot completely replace human writers. Hence, AI tools are just the helping material for the writers. By following these steps in this guide, you can make AI writing more interesting, personal, and connected to your target audience.



Discover whether Google penalizes AI content, the importance of quality and relevance, and guidelines for AI-generated content. Get insights here!

Are you an enthusiast of AI-generated content?

If so, you may have wondered whether Google penalizes AI content.

Google has updated its position by stating that they are not against AI-generated material. This means that employing AI material has no consequences.

Nevertheless, despite Google's reassurances, a lot of people are still concerned that Google may find their AI-generated content and penalize them.

Because of this, many SEO experts are reluctant to use AI out of concern about possible Google penalties.

According to Mueller, content produced by AI is considered auto-generated content, which carries the risk of manual penalties.

Interestingly, Google's systems might currently lack the capability to identify AI-generated content without the aid of human reviewers.

Let's examine the facts, why many people think Google may be devaluing their AI-generated material.


What is AI-generated content?

Any sort of textual, visual, or audio content that is produced or developed by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms or models is referred to as AI-generated content.

Without any interaction with actual humans, this material is produced.

To identify trends, generate fresh concepts, and produce creative material, machine learning techniques, and AI algorithms are trained on vast volumes of data.

Articles, blog entries, social media postings, as well as photographs, videos, and musical compositions can all be examples of AI-generated content.


AI Generated Content Is Against Google’s Webmaster Guidelines?

The term "automatically generated content" refers to content that has been created by machines, regardless of the techniques used to do it.

John Mueller stresses that Google has always taken a definite stand against automatically created content.


Can Google Detect AI Content?

The level of AI-generated content is rising, indicating incredible potential. With the availability of AI detectors, it is getting harder to tell whether material was produced by AI.

Individually created content by AI is not automatically penalized by Google, nor are entire websites. Instead, to decide a content's position in search engine results pages (SERPs), its algorithms assess the quality and relevancy of all material, including AI-generated information.

Google may be more stringent in its evaluation of AI-generated material, though, given the possibility of misuse and the production of low-quality, spam-like content.

In order to navigate the SEO and AI-generated content environment, it is essential to stay up to date on the most recent innovations and upgrades from search engines.


In the future, could Google potentially penalize AI content?

Considering Google's status as an AI company, the idea of suddenly penalizing AI content seems highly unlikely.

In fact, AI-generated content is becoming increasingly prevalent across the web and is expected to become even more deeply ingrained in our online experiences.

However, as the amount of content continues to grow, Google will need to enhance its evaluation process to determine what content is rankable.

While there is always the risk of spam and abuse with any content creation method, Google will remain committed to prioritizing high-quality and relevant content in its search results, regardless of its origin.

As a result, other factors for ranking, such as site authority, user signals and backlinks, will gain more importance and attention in the future. However, a detailed exploration of these factors can be saved for another article.


How to avoid AI content penalization By Google?

Google has made it clear that they value and reward high quality content, regardless of the method of creation.

Although Google does not automatically impose penalties on individual AI-generated content or entire websites, they closely examine AI content to identify any potential instances of spam or abuse.

According to Google's guidelines, AI-generated content should adhere to the following principles:

  • Insist on meeting users' search intent.
  • Incorporate human touches to enhance the overall appeal of the content.
  • Enrich the lesson by providing valuable insight and information.
  • Avoid using techniques that provide low-quality content.

By following these guidelines, AI-generated content can align itself with Google's standards and increase its chances of being rewarded.



In summary, Google does not penalize AI content based on its origin. Quality and relevance remain key factors in Google's assessment of content, regardless of whether it is AI-generated or not.